Sergey Laptick

1 год назад ·

Посты де Sergey
Software Developers vs. Software Engineers. What are Their Differences, and How They Work Towards the Same Goal

Software Developers vs. Software Engineers. What are Their Differences, and How They Work Towards the Same Goal


When people gather together to build complex software, some roles and responsibilities may be unclear at first sight. For an untrained eye, tricky naming is one of the main reasons. For example, it may be unclear whether or not a web designer must take care of UX design. After all, both terms have "design" in them and are related to web development. Terms that are used interchangeably don't make the situation more transparent.

"Software developer" and "software engineer" are good examples of how two concepts can merge to the degree of indistinguishability. These two jobs require the use of overlapping skills, and working conditions have a lot in common. However, there are some essential differences between them worthy of mentioning:


Software Developer vs Software Engineer: What’s The Difference? - XB Software

In our article you can learn more about the difference between a Software Developer and a Software Engineer including skills needed, knowledge, and job expectations.

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