Sergey Laptick

2 года назад ·

Посты де Sergey
X Design From the Agile Development Methodologies Perspective

X Design From the Agile Development Methodologies Perspective

Nowadays, #Agile is one of the most popular approaches to software creation that allows keeping in focus the interests and aspirations of both developers and their clients.mThe question is, what’s the specifics of creating a product following the Agile methodology for, say, #UX design specialists. Are there particular features to keep in mind not to let down other colleagues? Is there a tip or two that can help adjust the UX design process to the specifics of Agile methodology? Well,


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2 месяца назад

Code Rewrite vs Code Refactoring. Choosing the Best Code Transformation Tactics

Sergey Laptick · Implementing a perfect software solution on the first try is impossible. At some point, developers may start suspecting their codebase is a complete mess and doesn't correspond to what they had in their heads at the beginning of the project. It happens often and sometimes forces ...

8 месяцев назад

7 JavaScript Concepts to Keep in Mind in 2023 and Beyond

Sergey Laptick · Stack Overflow developer survey 2023 just dropped, and for the eleventh year in a row, JavaScript holds the top spot of the most commonly-used programming language. It's a breathtaking achievement, but it's hard to say that no one expected this. Statistics show that it is used on ...

9 месяцев назад

Imperative vs Declarative Programming. What are Their Major Features, Pros, and Cons?

Sergey Laptick · Currently, there's no shortage of programming languages. On the software development planet, industry veterans peacefully coexist with newcomers. For example, there's growing interest in making Rust (appeared in 2015) a second language to C (appeared in 1972) for the Linux kernel ...

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2 года назад

Sergey Laptick

When Scrum Isn’t Enough. Major Principles and Benefits of Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)

Current trends show that #Agile is the new norm. Even if you’re not a professional developer, most probably, you’ve heard of it. The 15th Annual State of Agile Report by demonstrates that the number of software dev teams adopting Agile has shown a steady growing dynami ...

1 год назад

Sergey Laptick

Improving Product vs Improving Processes. Agile, Lean, and Lean-Agile Compared

The diverse nature of modern software products resulted in dozens of ways of building them. This rule applies not only to libraries and frameworks but also to the methodologies determining the path an application comes from an idea to a ready-to-use solution. Nobody’s surprised a ...

2 года назад

Alexandra Zakrivashevich

Сообщение от Alexandra Zakrivashevich

Importance of UX For eCommerce Platforms - XB Software · In the article we discuss why user experience (UX) design is so important for your eCommerce business and point out its main principles. ·

2 года назад

Sergey Laptick

Seven Common UX Design Mistakes

Some tips on efficient #UI/UX design: · 7 Common UX Design mistakes - XB Software · The article explains why user experience means much, and which common mistakes UX designers make during the software development process. ·

1 год назад

Sergey Laptick

Back to Basics. The Difference Between Programming Languages and Frameworks

It’s essential to know every bit and byte of your software project to ensure its reliability and security. However, sometimes it is not so easy to draw the line between some core concepts involved in the development process. What’s the difference between front-end and back-end? A ...

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