beBee background
Технологии / Интернет
Даниил Привалов

Даниил Привалов

Frontend developer
Malinovka, Маскоўскі раён


О Даниил Привалов:

I study at the Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 4th year.
Specialty: Mathematics and information technologies (Web programming and Internet technologies).
Completed web development courses from Stormnet technologies (html, css, js, react, gulp).
Passed an internship at the ITechArt company in the position Full-stack developer( React, Node.js, TypeScript)

Опыт работы

Passed an internship at the ITechArt company in the position Full-stack developer( React, Node.js, TypeScript). The internship was held according to the Scrum methodology.

Was responsible for the following tasks on the project:

Integration of the server and client parts, changing the password through the verification code in the mail (back-end and front-end part), creating a user page, the ability to change it (back-end and front-end part), creating the ability to leave feedback and send it to the server, the ability to archive user requests (back-end and front-end part), the ability to log in, generation and recording a user avatar to the database.


I study at the Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 4th year.
Specialty: Mathematics and information technologies (Web programming and Internet technologies).
Completed web development courses from Stormnet technologies (html, css, js, react, gulp).

Профессионалы из того же сектора Технологии / Интернет, что и Даниил Привалов

Профессионалы из разных отраслей рядом Malinovka, Маскоўскі раён

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